How to Create a Dutch CV

Are you an expat looking to move to The Netherlands and apply for a job? Are you not sure how to create your own Dutch CV? Then worry not because we are here to help guide you through the process. CVs are written differently around the world, and we want to help you build a Dutch CV that fits for finding jobs in The Netherlands. First, let us start with the questions; what is a CV, and why do I need one? A CV is one of the most essential documents to be able to get a job. It has all of your experiences, skills, degrees, and so much more. A CV is exactly how a potential future employer will get a first impression of you, along with your motivation letter.

Differences Between a Dutch CV and an English CV

CVs around the world are all written differently. These differences can be very small yet very meaningful. When applying for work in The Netherlands, it is very important to know what these differences are:


On a Dutch CV, it is common to have a professional photo of you included, however it is not required. In places like the UK, it is recommended not to include a photo of yourself on your CV due to potential discrimination issues.


Another major difference is the amount of detail in a CV. English employers like to know a very detailed and elaborate description of things like your job responsibilities, achievements, and even your personal hobbies. However, something the Dutch are known for is getting straight to the point, with the least numbers of words saying the most about you.

In The Netherlands it is not expected to write every minor detail of everything you have done. In contrast, your Dutch CV should only have the most important information for your employers to ask for an interview and potentially hire you. So make sure you get to the point when writing your Dutch CV!

Netherlands CV Format

Employers know what they are looking for when it comes to CVs, whether they are Dutch or not. Knowing how to set up and what to include in your CV is very important.

The standard information you should include in your Dutch CV formatting are as follows:

  • Contact Details
  • Full name, email address, phone number, and home address.

  • Key Skills
  • What are you good at? What makes you stand out from other potential candidates?

  • Employment History
  • What relevant job history can you share? Do you have any past skills and experiences that might help you land this position?

  • Education
  • High school diploma, bachelor diploma, and even master diploma (if any).

  • Achievements
  • If you cannot think of any specific ones, check out our CV examples, where we have some ideas listed.

  • References

  • From your past experiences, if any, get someone to give you a reference. This can be from a teacher to a colleague to a supervisor!

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Dutch CV Example

Dutch CV Example

Free Dutch CV Template

You can create your own professional Dutch CV with our free CV builder!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a CV?

  • A CV, or a curriculum vitae, is a short summary of your career, qualifications, and education. A CV is something you have to hand in to employers in order for them to get a first impression of you and see all of your past experiences and current skills.

  • How do I write a CV for a Dutch university?

  • When writing a CV for a Dutch university, or a student CV, always remember to be very direct. Try to limit it to one page and do not forget to mention all of your own unique experiences you have had. Lastly, try to emphasize on specific achievements rather than general responsibilities.

  • Should I include a picture on my CV for The Netherlands?

  • Is many countries, employers are not allowed to ask for your image on a CV. However, in The Netherlands this is different. In The Netherlands, it is not required to add an image of yourself on our CV, but it's very common to do so.

  • How do I write my first CV with no work experience?

  • Everyone has to start somewhere and, especially when you are young, employers know that you do not have much experience and that is OK! Writing your first CV is simple, add your full name, your contact details, your key skills, education and any work experience, if any.

Contact the Multilingual team

The Multilingual team will help you with advice, working and finding you a job in The Netherlands.

Working in The Netherlands